DroidSheep [Root] is an Android application that analyzes security in wireless networks and also captures Twitter, Linked, Facebook, and other accounts. You can install DroidSheep in your Android phone and use it to analyze the security of any public network. Take your friend to a public network and allow him to access his Facebook account through the same networkDroidSheep can be easily used by anybody who has an Android device and only the provider of the web service can protect the users. So Anybody can test the security of his account by himself and can decide whether to keep on using the web service.

DroidSheep demonstrates how easy an attack like this can be – Just start DroidSheep, click the START button and wait until someone uses one of the supported websites. Jumping on his session simply needs one more click. That´s it.

Although DroidSheep is not made for doing such attacks, anyone can test and assure that it really works. For the ones who are interested in how this works, there is the source code public available (see download section).

If you know Firesheep or Faceniff, you probably know what this is about – OpenSource one-click session hijacking using your android smartphone or tablet computer.

DroidSheep 16 apk Latest
File Size: 303 KB


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